Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's a new year - March 4, 2010. Praise God, Michael was healed and is now helping out with TFC at church and taking a class at Grace School of Theology in Pleasant Hill. He is still praying for direction for his life.

God has given us all a new trial. A new way to make us dependent on Him. Bob has been out of work since August 2009. God is faithful and meets our daily needs although we can't make our house payments. I remember Steve saying, our homes are not a need. We can stay anywhere He wants us. But we are fine, praise God to many loving friends and family.

I still work part-time with the Napa School District and believe my days are numbered there because of the uncertainty of school budget cuts and my own desire to pursue something else that will give us benefits. "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go," is a promise I cling to.

Nicole too is praying for direction for her life. After being accepted at Pacific Union College's nursing program, she felt this was not what God wanted her to do, so she quit. She's still teaching piano and baking, taking karate and praying.

In the meantime, Bob has been helping people with their taxes, learning about short sales, real estate and is also taking a class at the Seminary with Mike Canham. His days are full and I must say it is wonderful to have him home compared to the 12 hour days he was gone when he worked. He even cooks now and keeps the kitchen clean for me.

We meet Thursday nights as a family to pray, read God's word, and sing hymns and praise songs. I look forward to these times as they are so enriching. One day, our children will leave, so I treasure that as adults we can praise our Lord as a family.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Day 12 - Michael is home!

Last night (Friday),
would have been the 12th night at the hospital. But thankfully, he's home! Here is Michael's first order of the day: Halo 3!

We're still putting ointments in his eyes to ensure complete healing. His lips still bleed. The blood dries up and covers them, but when they crack open, they bleed. They are still slow in healing. He's still putting on soft gel just to keep them from cracking.

He's weakened from the hospital stay. There are a couple of blisters under his feet that make him tip-toe when he walks. His arms still hurt from all the needles and the IV. But other than those things, he's in a lot better shape! We hope and pray that he will get back to full strength and healing soon. He has to stay out of school for at least one more week. And, boy, I'm sure he has a lot of school work to catch up on! His teachers are aware of his situation and they are all very supportive.

The worst is over, I hope. And again we want to thank everyone of you who have been very supportive in many ways, especially in praying for Michael and for us. Everything has been a lot easier because of all your support. I wish I can mention all your names in this blog, but I'm afraid I'd miss a lot of names. But we are very grateful.

The hospital staff, the doctors and nurses were so helpful and really took care of Michael. We're glad we went to Children's hospital.

AND, we thank our God and Savior, Jesus Christ, for his sovereign, loving care. It is wonderful that we have a Friend like Him. Not only did He suffer excruciating pain and died for our sins, He rose again to freely also gives us all things! What a Savior!

This is probably the last blog regarding Michael. Please keep praying for complete healing. We hope those who suffer a similar or worse trial will take comfort in the Lord, too!

His Grace and Peace to all!
Bob & Liz

(Rom. 8:32 "He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?")

Day 12 - No Visitors, Please!

Why? Because Michael is coming home! So, you can't visit him in the hospital anymore! He won't be there. But sure, you can visit him at home.

Praise the Lord! The doctors cleared him for take off. He's probably going to be there until 5PM today.

Complete story in the 11:00 o'clock news. Or sometime later tonight! Praise the Lord!


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Day 11 - Petrolatum is not good for raw skin

I'd been concerned about Michael's lips being still raw while the rest of his body has been drying up and healing. I suspected that maybe the Petroleum Jelly he applies a few times a day to cover his raw lips are preventing them from healing faster. First of all, I know it is derived from oil. According to one web entry, it is commonly used to treat the skin to prevent moisture loss. I thought that perhaps the Jelly was not allowing his lips to breathe and heal naturally. I finally decided to ask the nurse or doctor if there's a different kind of lip ointment he can use that's not oil based. (That's oil from the earth - the same kind you put in your cars to lubricate the engine.) The nurse subsequently produced a surgical lubricant (Surgilube) that was water based.

Michael started to apply them on his lips this morning. And I'm pleased to say that I think it is a lot better ointment. His lips actually started to dry up. I think, and the nurses think, that his lips do look better They have not bled as much as these past 10 days. Hopefully they will heal much quicker now. He was able to eat more without bleeding lips. Praise the Lord!

The doctors think he may be able to come home this week-end. But we may have to keep "mummy-fying" him at home. Know anyone who can "wrap?" It will be good to have him home again. It's been 11 days.

Again we thank everyone for praying. We want to give God all the credit and all the glory in this. We hope that this experience in Michael's life will encourage many to trust in the Lord with all their heart.

We are sorry that we haven't responded to some of your emails and/or phone calls. We'll try and do so sometime... Love to all.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Day 10 - Worn Out from Hospital Stay

Michael wants to come home tomorrow. The doctor said maybe this week-end. That's the soonest day estimated yet! That is, if he can eat by himself and drink enough fluid so that he will not be dehydrated and have enough nourishment. His mouth and lips are still raw. It's as if they were scraped on something and the skin peeled off. They still bleed when he eats. But the doctors will remove his I-V tomorrow, at least temporarily. Please pray that he will not need them anymore. Pray that his mouth will heal more quickly so he can eat better.

Everything else seems to be fine. His eyes still hazy, probably from the eye ointments. Much of the blistered skin on his body and his face have dried up and sloughed off. And he hasn't had any pain killers or any other medicine since yesterday morning. Just I-V feeding. The doctors are delighted to see that he has progressed quite quickly. I am delighted because he is almost well enough to come home.

He said he was tired from staying in the hospital. It's been 10 days. I'd be worn out too! He does light up when friends come and visit.

Tonight he asked me to read from the Psalms. He asked for Ps. 139. (verses 17,18 say "How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand. When I awake, I am still with You." I read the chapter to him. Then I read Ps. 34. (Verse 8 says, " O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!") Very encouraging words!

Again, we are deeply grateful for all your encouraging words and prayers. And we want to thank the Lord for hearing our prayers. Everyone of you have rallied to the Lord for Michael and He heard you. Please continue to pray for Michael. For the Lord's name's sake.

Thank you!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Day 9 - A Testimony to God's Faithfulness

I have to say that these blog updates have been a wonderful way to testify to God's loving kindness and faithfulness. He truly hears His people's cries. Although Michael is not yet home, it has been an amazing journey for him, for this family and yes, for all of you, our praying friends. God has been hearing all your prayers. We have all been witnesses of God's compassion and power. We know He is sovereign and does what He pleases, yet "the prayers of righteous men and women (and children) are effective and powerful!" (James 5:16). Somehow He works His sovereign will through our prayers. It's hard to comprehend.

But we praise God that Michael is truly much better. His eyes are still a little blurry, though the doctors are confident he will regain his sight fully in time. His lips and mouth are still raw and bloody, but not as bad as in the past few days. He is able to eat a little. He ate Chicken Teriyaki tonight. He still has lesions in his body but they are all drying up! They don't even open up as blisters tend to do. They just dry up and get crusty and fall off. Well, he peels them off carefully...

Today, he did not have morphine or any pain killer. That's a great sign of healing. He did not have fever, nor did he have Benadryl for his skin irritations. All his organs are fine. There are no blisters in his eyes, and no more ulcers in his esophagus. When he swallows his food, it does not hurt anymore. He sits up, stands, walks around, and has a great attitude. He has not complained or become bitter about his sickness. He has taken it all quietly. I know he just threw himself at the Lord's mercy, trusting that He will take care of His son.

He may be getting tired of staying in the hospital but they can't let him go yet. They want to make sure he has healed enough before letting him go. He treasures the visits of friends and family, and of course, the church family. He is thankful to the many of you who have been praying for him.

Maybe a few more days and he can go home. Praise the Lord and pray some more! Thank you! We deeply appreciate your thoughts, prayers, emails, encouragements, comments, and love.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Day 8 - Bean Burrito and Vaseline

Praise the Lord! Michael is definitely getting better.

Right now he's eating a bean burrito. But his lips are still covered with Vaseline/Petroleum Jelly because they are still raw and bleeding. His mouth must be still be raw inside because his mucous membranes were affected. He still looks about the same. However, he is not in as much pain as before. They still give him morphine occasionally for the pain, but for the most part he takes Percocet tablets orally. It has Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and Oxycodone (similar to Codeine). And he hasn't had fever all day today. The doctor also confirmed that no new rashes or lesions have surfaced and the ones he has are actually drying up instead of bursting open, exposing raw skin.

He said he wants to go home tomorrow. I relayed that to the doctor and he just laughed. He said Michael is strong but they can't let him go home until he no longer bleeds, and his blisters are mostly healed. The doctors are afraid his lesions could still be subject to infection if not taken care of. They still cover him with antiseptic gauze three times a day for about 30 minutes.

His organs are fine. His eyes are blurry still but it's probably due to the eye ointments applied. There are no blisters in his eyes. Overall, he seems much better. He's been walking, standing, sitting up.

This ordeal may be over soon. Maybe just a few more days rather than weeks. We thank you all again for praying. I look at the other cases of SJS online and Michael is definitely spared the worst possible case! We just want to thank the Lord for his compassion. We recognize that He is completely sovereign over all. For what reason this came to Michael, we may never know. Just like Job, who never figured out why God allowed all those tragedies and pains to come to him. (He knows now!) He knew that it all came from God ultimately, but he had faith that God would not do it for no reason. He just never found out why. But he knew his Redeemer lived. He knew God was righteous.

God is sovereign. This thing is from Him. For a good reason. Some have said Satan is attacking Michael. That may be, but all with God's sovereign permission AND protection!

Please continue to pray that he can come home soon.

Job 19:25,26 “As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, And at the last He will take His stand on the earth. Even after my skin is destroyed, Yet from my flesh I shall see God;"